Norman Towns, Embracing Failure to Spur Success

Paul Frazier
2 min readMar 2, 2021
Norman Towns

Why are failure stories more common compared to success? Why do people get distressed when they fail? Everyone tries to avoid it, fret about it, and question themselves as to what happened. Indeed, the notion of celebrating failure is gradually becoming a more common trend. However, Norman Towns believes most people have it all wrong. It is not failure that is being recognized but the learning process. The truth is, our society consistently shuns failure and has made it unacceptable, and this is what discourages people from exploring the heights of their potential. Why not embrace failure to spur success, and possibly, innovation?

Norman Towns is an actor, comedian and Producer. He has been in the entertainment business for more than a decade. A career where he has had a equal share of challenges and achievements. Now at the helm of his career, Norman Towns is using his status to motivate upcoming talents about the importance of perseverance. He has not let his success get to his head, instead, he uses them as inspirations to forge ahead and become a better entertainer. So, how has Norman embraced his failures over the years?

The first thing to do when failure happens is to accept it. Admit that things did not go as expected. The bigger the failure, the more Norman smiles. Don’t get him wrong, nobody is ever happy when failure brushes over their face. Norman Towns says he has perfected the art of assessing his failures for potential learning cues. Nothing teaches him better and effectively like failure. But, he has to reconcile with the bitter truth that it has happened before he can see the exact things that he ignored and aspects that need improvement in the future.

The wisdom that Norman gets after self-assessing himself gives him a new level of confidence. Normally, he uses this to engage his mentor and other experienced peers to purposefully get more advice on how to tailor a better version of himself. Interestingly, Norman Towns does not find this to be an embarrassing experience unlike what people would presume. By getting the perspectives of these individuals, he proves to them that he has embraced his failure or learning lessons and simply wants to forge a different path moving forward. Norman knows this is not an easy undertaking for anyone, and encourages everyone to have a social circle that is non-judgmental and understanding, especially to our failure stories.

It hurts to fail but what you do after makes the difference. Failure, for Norman Towns, is his teacher. It is a temporary detour but not end of things. Resurgence is the most important thing to achieve when failure happens. Be that phoenix and rise from the ashes!



Paul Frazier

Paul Frazier is a full-time social entrepreneur who covers stories at the intersection of business and entertainment.